Here's some more short highlights from the Novemeber shows. I wanted to do one long post, but my title was too long XD You can read Yttenaid's report here.
Hey there. It's been a while since I've done reports. Didn't feel the need to do them because there's nothing much to report on other than what has already been said. The reports are usually about his nikki writing process, what words he typed wrong etc, which would be awesome in the live setting but boring to read. And all his nikki entries are
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First stop of the A NUDE tour! A consistent description used by the fans for this concert is "god". XD Godly face, godly yamapi, godly performance, godly concert. XD Reports are by fans from twitter and weibo.
Here are a few reports from fans (with binoculars O-O) at JCD that was not shown during the live broadcast. As usual, fans flailed about how he's so kind, humble, well-mannered, respectful and cute as ever. ^_^ ( Read more... )